ACR CIO publishes JACR article on role of organized radiology in AI

ACR Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer Mike Tilkin recently published an article with Cheryl Kreider Carey, Chief Executive Officer of the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM), in the Journal of the American College of Radiology. 

The article, “The Role of Organized Radiology in Advancing Imaging Artificial Intelligence,” discusses how ACR and SIIM have collaborated to lead and educate their members on the evolving technology of artificial intelligence (AI).  

Since 2018, the two organizations have hosted a jointly sponsored data science meeting held on the preconference day of SIIM’s annual meeting. Past themes have included economics in AI, AI in clinical practice, and quantifying the value of AI. In 2019, SIIM and ACR collaborated to offer a challenge in which participants would build an AI segmentation model to classify and segment pneumothoraces on chest radiographs based on a dataset contributed by National Institutes of Health. 

Before two organizations enter a partnership, the authors suggest taking these topics into consideration:

  • If the initiative is in alignment with the organizations’ current strategic plans;
  • Whether the resources expended will be justified by the potential outcomes; and
  • \If the potential partner society offers a unique contribution, not available on one’s own. 

To learn more, read the full article in JACR