AI Central

Since its inception in 2018, the ACR Data Science Institute® AI Central database has evolved from a short online list of FDA-cleared imaging AI products to the most complete and up-to-date online, searchable directory of commercially available imaging AI products in the United States. More than 200 software as a medical device (SaMD) FDA-cleared products have been curated by more than 100 manufacturers, and thousands of radiologists per month access the site in search of suitable AI solutions.


The ACR is responding to a call from clinical end users and the FDA to drive more transparency about imaging AI algorithms, including how they were developed and validated, with a new program called Transparent-AI. Transparent-AI is composed of data elements voluntarily provided by manufacturers. This program is designed to help end users have better informed discussions and selection criteria when making decisions about which algorithm might be most appropriate for their local target population.

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