
Assess-AI is the first large-scale quality registry in AI that provides algorithm performance monitoring in clinical practice by capturing real-world data in a clinical setting.

Verifying that an algorithm continues to work well in a clinical setting presents special challenges for organizations. Your organization will be able to gain insight into the performance of deployed AI products at your facility over time and will be able to compare AI product performance to national benchmarks and to subgroups of facilities with similar characteristics. Facilities participating in Assess-AI will play an instrumental role in setting standards for post-market monitoring to maintain safe and effective AI.

How it Works

Using data collected in the ACR National Radiology Data Registry, Assess-AI combines specific information related to an algorithm’s effectiveness reported by radiologists at the point of care, as well as specific metadata related to the exam as specified in the ACR DSI use case

Participating in Assess-AI will give your site access to the following services:    

  • Monitoring of algorithm inputs including imaging equipment, protocols, and software version.    
  • Continuous monitoring and concordance with radiology reports.    
  • Reports and dashboards to share with your AI governance team. 

Join here.